June 6

June 1

May 16 Poems

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Apr 21

Apr 8

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March 19

March 13

March 11

March 10

Asking Rhys about new upcoming HCR2 projects
Once a wise man said :
- If you use hill climber then you are noob
- If you use a scooter you are calm
- If you use bus you are a psycho
- If you use the bigger hill climber mk2 then you are the dad of noobs
- If you use dune buggy then you like shortcuts
- If you use tractor, monster or super diesel then you are the destroyer
- If you use motocross, you must be the one who dies often
- If you use formula, you dont know how the game works
- If you use supercar then you are wrong
- If you use rally car, then you are god (but if you use it in 1/1/1/1 you are dog)